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- (PDF Version) Insert Coin to Continue- Advanced Classroom Gamification
(PDF Version) Insert Coin to Continue- Advanced Classroom Gamification
If you purchase this, you will be purchasing PDF documents (front/back cover, and the book itself). It is not an e-reader file but a PDF that can be opened on any device. It can also then be printed should you wish to have a hard copy. The formatting is not flawless as I am still learning the process, but is about 98% accurate to the hard copy book into terms of formatting. The only downfall are the inserts will not be included in the digital versions for obvious reasons.
Details ...
This is the 2nd book I have written about gamification! It is a follow-up to my previous guide, Press Start to Begin - The Complete Guide to Classroom Gamification. I would not recommend it for a first time gamification approach and strongly suggest you have a base understanding of gamification before purchasing this guide!
This guide provides advanced, more in depth techniques, tips and tricks to bring your classroom gamification to the next level! You will also receive a digital coupon code for the bonus digital materials you will receive for purchasing this guide!
Why? Because school doesn't have to be boring!